
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2022

2xta day#1

 Hey everyone 👋. Today is 28 th November and the weather is a little bit cold and rainy actually. We went to one of the best historical places in Bukhara ,it is Ark Fortress with our patient teacher Matluba Ahmedovna. You know guys the first experience should be a little bit more different and we felt this also. There were so many things that we needed to learn. For example,  there was a huge library .Most probably, the library was destroyed following one of the conquests of Bukhara. During the Russian Civil War, the Ark was greatly damaged by Red Army troops under the command of Mikhail Frunze during the 1920 Battle of Bukhara. Frunze ordered the Ark bombed by aircraft, which left a large part of the structure in ruins. There is also reason to believe that the last Emir, Mohammed Alim Khan (1880-1944), who escaped to Afghanistan with the royal treasury, ordered the Ark to be blown up so that its sacred places (especially the harem) could not be desecrated by the Bolsheviks. To be hon