
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022

2xta day#10

 Hello everyone again🤗🤗🤗. Today is going to be a our last day on travelling.  We were quite sad and disappointed 😞 😔 😢.  Our last destination is Toqi Sarraphon. We went there with my friends and our teacher.  The building is 8-sided ( size 25x24 m), the inner diameter of the dome is 12 m, the outer dome (bal. 16.55 m) is placed on 4 towers, in the south of the city covers the intersection. In the second half of the 16th century , one of the 4 corners of the hall was connected to a mosque , to the other, to the Sarrofon bathhouse , and to the remaining 2, to the shop of the sarophon. As a result of the research, it is shown that people lived in the area of ​​this market during the 9th century Somonites. There is information that there was a fire here in the 13th century and that the fire was related to the activities of Genghis Khan. At the entrance to the mosque there is an inscription "This construction was completed in 1534-35 during the reign of Ubaidulla Bahadir Khan&quo

2xta day#9

 Hey everyone 👋. We last traveled around Bukhara. Our today's destination was Blacksmith Museum. It was so uncomparable place among the places that I have ever been before. We went there with our group and our teacher. 😇😊 This place have an attractive and unique entrance actually 👌 😍.  One of the main activities of the Bukhara museum-preserve is to revive and support traditional Bukharan handicraft. In 1992, the blacksmiths' museum-workshop, the only one of its type in Uzbekistan, was set up in the 16th - century Kulyuta karavansarai. The museum-workshop is a living museum. Not only could one learn there the history of the ancient blacksmith's craft, but also participate in making blacksmith products. Usto Shokir Kamolov, who comes of a family of blacksmiths, is the senior researcher of the museum. Archeologists have recorded many items in Bukhoro which confirm the ancient origins of this craft in this timeless old city. Abu Raihon Biruni wrote in the 10th century, tha

2xta day# 8

 Hey everybody ☺️. How is it going? When it comes to our travelling, it is going quite well actually 😃😇. Our today's destination is Toqitelpakfurushon mountain ⛰️ it was so attractive place that I have ever been.  The building was named after Akhanin, Toqi Kitabfurushon, Toqi Khoja Muhammad Parron . The main dome is a 6-sided wall placed on it, surrounded by a street, and the entrances from the streets are covered with small domes. The diameter of the dome is 38 m, the ceiling of the hall is 10 m, the remaining area of ​​the shopping street is 28 m, the width of the street is 14 m. In the past, under the dome were shops of bookbinders selling hats and books . Toqi Telpak Furushon (in some sources - Taqi Telpakfurushon) is one of the preserved traditional indoor bazaars of Bukhara. It was built in 1570-1571 under Abdullah Khan II, one of the rulers of the Shaibanid dynasty. It was the Shaibanids who began to make Bukhara an important commercial centre, located at the crossroads of

2xta day#7

 Hey everyone 👋. Our today's destination is Toqi Zargoron which is located in the heart of the Bukhara. We went there with our group and our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.  It is believed that the dome was built before the arrival of the Arabs. In the work written by Vasifii in the beginning of the 16th century, it was mentioned as the Bukhara Charsus . Toki Zhargaron is located near the Ulugbek madrasa , the center of the ancient city , covering the intersection of 2 main streets. The building was built mainly in the 15th century (since it was completely renovated in the 16th century , it is assumed that it was built in this year). The huge dome is placed on 8 towers. Size 45.4x43.5 m, score. 16.7 m, the base circumference of the dome is 14 m, the plinth is multifaceted, light enters the building through 16 windows. The dome of shops surrounding it is 5-7 m high.   Thank youu for being with me,  take care 🙂 

2xta day#6

 Hey everyone ☺️ 😊. Today we went to Zindan and Bolo Hovus which is located behind of Ark Fortress with our group and our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna. It is attractive and exciting place for traveling actually. One of the most important monuments of Bukhara is Zindan of Emir that attracts people with its mystery. This one of the most enigmatic monuments of Bukhara was built in the 18th century. "Zindan" in Persian means "prison", "prison", "well for the detention." The prison was built in the northwest corner of Shahristan and assembled of several chambers of debt, the cooler and dungeon, laid of brick with a diameter of about 5 meters and a depth of 6.5 meters. This place used to keep dangerous criminals. Zindan is a pit, which is located under the ground, it is in Shakhristan. The prison contained not more than 40 people; you can understand that in the city of Bukhara, as it is now a very low level of crime.This place used to keep dangerous crim

2xta day #5

 Hi everyone 😇😇. We are going on our trip in Labi Haus. Our today's spot is Art Gallery .  I got many useful information about this museum. 😊😊😊 It was founded in November 8, 1922.Later, in 1945 the museum was situated in the former citadel of Bukhara emirs-Ark. There are tons of great works actually.  Guys that was my today's experience from Art Gallery.  Thank you for your attention ☺️ Take care😀😀😀😀😀😀🥰

2 xta day #4

 Hi guys. We are extremely excited about this journey. Our today's distance has been Mosque Magaki Attari. We went there with our group and our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.  Before the Arab conquest there was a bazaar on the site of Maghoki Attori. It was a market for idols, potions and spices – attar (perfumes) and other goods. Besides this, there was formerly a Temple of the Moon (Mah) close to this place. Narshakhi, in his History of Bukhara, named the mosque built on the site of the former temple "maghākī", ie "in a pit", because even  then half of it was concealed from view by the rising soil level . That was interesting. Before the construction of the first synagogue Jews had shared a place in a mosque with Muslims. This mosque was called Masjed-e Maghākī-ye Attārī ​​(see picture), ie "the mosque in a pit in the perfume market💄 That was my today's experience guys. Thank you for your attention ☺️ 👀👀

2xta day#3

 hello everyone. We are going to continue our trip👉. Today we have gone to new place and it means that it was new experience 😇😇 We went to Labi Haus with our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna.  Then there were a lot of sightseeing actually. But the most fascinating part  of Labi House was the  monument of Nasriddin Afandi with his donkey🐎 that was so actually impressive 👏  The bronze monument to Khoja Nasreddin is located in the central city square of Bukhara, not far from the ensemble Lyabi-Khauz. Perhaps this is the most photographed landmark of the city. Firstly, the sculpture is in the center, and secondly, this character is simply loved. Perhaps it is he who brings a touch of joy and laughter in the old atmosphere of traditional buildings.😇😇😇 The monument to Khoja Nasreddin in Bukhara was installed in 1979. And the author is the sculptor Yakov Shapiro. The sculpture is made of bronze and installed on a rectangular pedestal.☺️😊   That was so beautiful experience 😍 for us guys  Th

2xta day#2

 Hello everyone. I am really glad to exchange my impressions with you ❤️. We went Ark Citadel again with our group and our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna 😇 it was extremely freezing day 🥶 but despite all of them, the experience is really worthy. I am going to my video that I express a piece of information about museums in Ark Fortress ☺️😊😊 keep watching!🙃 Thank you for your attention ☺️ 😊 🙂  Thank you for your attention ☺️ 😊 🙂