2xta day#6

 Hey everyone ☺️ 😊. Today we went to Zindan and Bolo Hovus which is located behind of Ark Fortress with our group and our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna. It is attractive and exciting place for traveling actually.

One of the most important monuments of Bukhara is Zindan of Emir that attracts people with its mystery.

This one of the most enigmatic monuments of Bukhara was built in the 18th century. "Zindan" in Persian means "prison", "prison", "well for the detention." The prison was built in the northwest corner of Shahristan and assembled of several chambers of debt, the cooler and dungeon, laid of brick with a diameter of about 5 meters and a depth of 6.5 meters.

This place used to keep dangerous criminals. Zindan is a pit, which is located under the ground, it is in Shakhristan. The prison contained not more than 40 people; you can understand that in the city of Bukhara, as it is now a very low level of crime.This place used to keep dangerous criminals. Zindan is a pit, which is located under the ground, it is in Shakhristan. The prison contained not more than 40 people; you can understand that in the city of Bukhara, as it is now a very low level of crime.
Thank you so much for your attention guys , take care 🙂 😘 💗 ❤️ 


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