2xta day#7

 Hey everyone 👋. Our today's destination is Toqi Zargoron which is located in the heart of the Bukhara. We went there with our group and our teacher Matluba Ahmedovna. 

It is believed that the dome was built before the arrival of the Arabs. In the work written by Vasifii in the beginning of the 16th century, it was mentioned as the Bukhara Charsus . Toki Zhargaron is located near the Ulugbek madrasa , the center of the ancient city , covering the intersection of 2 main streets. The building was built mainly in the 15th century (since it was completely renovated in the 16th century , it is assumed that it was built in this year).

The huge dome is placed on 8 towers. Size 45.4x43.5 m, score. 16.7 m, the base circumference of the dome is 14 m, the plinth is multifaceted, light enters the building through 16 windows. The dome of shops surrounding it is 5-7 m high.


Thank youu for being with me,  take care 🙂 


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