2xta day#4

Hi everyone 🤗 our today's destination is Mir Arab madrasah. 

Located by the side of tall Kalon Minaret, this beautiful Medressa is a classic example of shining blue domes. Tourists are not allowed inside but one can see from outside. This Medressa is named after 16th century Naqshbandi Sheikh from Yemen. The view in the evening is spellbinding.
The madrasa is under the jurisdiction of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan, the activity of the religious school was temporarily suspended during the Soviet period, and it was restored in 1945. The study period is 4 years. People with secondary and incomplete secondary education aged 15 to 35 are admitted to the full-time department of the educational institution. Religious subjects and general subjects are taught. Students are also taught Arabic, English, Russian and Persian languages. Classes are conducted in Uzbek and Arabic languages.
Historical sources indicate that the madrasa consists of 111 rooms [2] . However, current authors report the number of cells as 114 cells according to the Qur'anic surahs .

Thanks for your attention ☺️ 


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