Day 5 ARK

 Hello everyone. Today we went to Ark Fortress with our group and our teacher.

The Ark of Bukhara is a massive fortress located in the city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan, that was initially built and occupied around the 5th century AD. In addition to being a military structure, the Ark encompassed what was essentially a town that, during much of the fortress's history, was inhabited by the various royal courts that held sway over the region surrounding Bukhara. Currently, the Ark is a tourist attraction and houses museums covering its history.[1] The museums and other restored areas include an archaeological museum, the throne room, the reception and coronation court, a local history museum, and the court mosque.

Prince Siyawush built the Ark of Bukhara and was eventually buried there. After his death, the great citadel was put out of commission to mourn the prince. Three thousand years later, Budun Bukhar-Khudat restored the citadel. There were many aspects of the design of the Ark of Bukhara that were influenced by astrological elements. For example, the palace has seven stone pillars for the seven star constellation Ursa Major. The overall shape of the Ark was also influenced by the constellation.[4] The foundations of the citadel were also influenced by the topography and tombs of the area.


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