Day 8 Juybori Kalon Madrasah

 Hello. Today we went to the madrasah of Jubori kalon.

During the reign of the Uzbek ruler Abdulaziz Khan (1645-1681), it was built in Havzi nav guzar of Joybor district in the capital of the Khanate under the donation of his mother Podshah. It was one of the most prestigious and prestigious madrasahs in Bukhara.

Some researchers unjustifiably doubted that this madrasa was built by Potshah Ayim [1] . For example, according to L. Asrorova, the Joybori Kalon madrasa was built by the decree of the governor of Bukhara Abdulaziz Khan during the time of the Uzbek ruler Subhonkulikhon (1680-1702), and it is said that Abdulaziz Khan's mother Oyposhsha Bibi was involved in the construction of the madrasa [10] . Even on the official site of the Joybori Kalon madrasa, it is written that the educational institution was built during the reign of Subhonkulikhon [2] . However, in 1670-1671, when the madrasa was built, Subhonquli Khan was not yet the ruler.


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